The digitalization of everyday life and active research into this process in recent years in Russia and in the world are increasingly highlighting the phenomenon of "smart" houses, incl. multi-apartment. The analogy with A. Turing's smart machines makes the question "can a house think?" (or its alternative setting). It seems that in order to answer it, it is necessary to turn to the studies of E. Giddens...



  • apartment building;
  • smart house;
  • the Turing question;
  • socio-economic relations.


Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). "Smart" Apartment Building as a Subject of Socio-Economic Relations. Artificial Intelligence and societal development: new opportunities and obstacles: XVI International Scientific Conference «Soroking Readings – 2022»; February 21, 2022: Collection of materials. Moscow : MAKS Press, P. 180-182. (In Russ.).


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